
Individual search in sanctions lists

Individual search in sanctions lists


In principle, one's own business partners should be regularly checked for possible sanctions by means of a mass comparison with the sanctioned persons, companies and organisations. However, before a new business relationship is established, this app is used to check new contacts for possible sanctions before they are entered into the leading system. This is - as a first step - purely a name check. Even if the search results in many possible hits, the number of possible matches can be reduced by a further, manual matching of the address (if known).

It is important to carry out research on the new, possible business partner. The apps for listing sanctioned persons and sanctioned companies or organisations also serve this purpose.

Such individual searches can also be logged, one therefore fulfils the due diligence obligation with regard to the observance of sanctions by the various countries.


Individual search in sanctions lists

In this window, you specify which master data of the host database (persons, companies or one-time addresses) are to be matched with the data of blocked persons and companies in the Pythia database. Regardless of whether there are matches, you will be asked at the end whether you want to log the result of the comparison. Logging can also be done after viewing the result in the match editing window.

Search termName of the person, company or organisation to be searched. It is recommended to enter individual words of the name, possibly in different order, different spelling, etc., or to simply omit individual words in order to get an idea of which names might fit at all.
PeopleCheckbox to indicate whether the search is for a person. Sanctions lists generally distinguish between individuals and organisations.
CompaniesCheckbox to indicate whether the search is for a company or possible organisation. Sanctions lists generally distinguish between individuals and organisations.
CountryThe search can be limited to individuals/companies of a certain country. However, it is important to note that the persons, companies or organisations named in the sanctions lists do not always have a (complete) address, if one is given at all.

: SearchThe search is carried out with the specified options.
: LogThe search result is logged with the user's name, date and time.
: BackThe app is closed.

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In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages


Operational business